Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scribe Post for Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today in Class
-Turned in Lab pages 17E AND 17F
-Took Notes on Hardy Weinberg
-Started to work on UP pages 31-36

-UP pages 31-36 due tomorrow!
-Begin studying for the upcoming evolution QUIZ!


-Modern Synthesis- the fusion of genetics with biology
Looks at gene pools (all of the alleles in all the individuals making up a population)
-There is no incomplete dominance in a gene pool!

-FREQUENCY- decimal answer (Ex: 0.8, 0.72, 0.38)
-PERCENTAGE- actual percentage (Ex: 80%, 72%, 38%)

-P is the relative frequency of the dominant allele. (A)

-Q is the frequency of the recessive allele. (a)


-If you know p, to find q. q=1-p
-If you know q, to find p. p=1-q

-To find the frequency of a certain type of individuals (AA, Aa, aa), you would multiply the two percentages for that genotype.

-For example, in the Punnett square at the right, aa=q² or q*q
Since each q is equal to 0.2, then q²=0.2*0.2 or 0.04

-To find the frequency of pq, you would need to add the two frequencies 0.16 together since pq appears twice in the Punnett Square.
-This is also written as 2pq.

The general formula is p²+2pq+q²=1

-The Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is used to find the different genotypes in the population if the gene pool is completely stable (non-evolving).

-To prove that genetic recombination does not by itself change the overall composition of the gene pool, they examined the behavior of alleles in an idealized population where five conditions hold:
1. No mutations
2.No one individual can move in our out of the population
3. Large enough population
4. Random mating (no selective breeding)
5. Equally viable alleles (no natural selection)
-However, this doesn't usually happen in normal populations
-This is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

G.H. Hardy G. Weinberg

Thanks everyone! Hope this was helpful!

Next Scribe- ***Eleni***


  1. Sophia,
    Good post! The pictures, colors, and charts were really helpful.

  2. Thanks for picking me, I really appreciate that ;) Anyway I really liked your post, it was really colourful!! I also liked the chart and the way you organized everything! Good job :D


  3. I really wished I looked at this post yesterday. Great job explaining the Hardy Weinberg formula. This will come in handy when I study for the test. I know we are supposed to give each other feedback on what to do better next time but you nailed this scribe post. No suggestions are necessary!

  4. I'm using this to study right now. It's very helpful and easy to read so thank you!

  5. You're welcome everyone! Glad it helped :)
