Today in Class:
talked about scribe posts
Finished notes on immune system
- work on disease project-due Monday
- read spice lab UP 39-45 and finish procedure on Google Docs
- Worksheet on Bubonic Plague UP 35-35? (It says on the calendar, but I'm not sure)
Scribe Post:
· New requirements:
· One picture on each post (at least)
· need to comment on three separate posts-constructive criticism or explanations
· not just “this is good”
Started on Lymphocytes slide “recognizing the Invaders”
Lymphocytes=white blood cells
-produce immune response
-make B cells and T cells
B Cells
-humoral immunity
-mature in bone marrow
-defend against viruses and bacteria present in body fluids
-secrete antibodies
-molecular weapons of defense
-shaped like Y to join to antigen
-Two Jobs: Recognize and bind to certain antigen, Counter antigen’s effect
-main job is to mark invaders
T Cells
-go to thymus
-cell mediated immunity: fights viruses/ bacteria in body cells already infected
Helper T cells
-Encounter white blood cell that has injested microbe and has displayed the foreign antigen on its surface
-Receptors on helper T cell bind to the white blood cell at this site
-The binding activates T cell to:
Grow, divide, multiply
Stimulate cytotoxic T cells
Cytotoxic T Cells
-Identify infected cells
-bind to infected cell
-secrete Perforin (a protein) that creates a hole in the cell’s membrane
-other T cell proteins enter the cell and cause the cell to die
-immune system has a great memory
-remembers antigens we have already encountered: destroys virus before symptoms occur
Active Immunity
-requires work from body
-body produces antibodies as defense
-by having disease or vaccination
Vaccine: Weakened variant of disease-causing microbe or one of its components
-the body recognizes the invader and creates antibodies so it is recognized on reoccurance
Passive Immunity
-no work in body
- injected (shot) of antibodies
-through mother’s bloodstream
IMPORTANT: needs boosters because the body still does not know how to make these antibodies
Primary Immune Response:
-first exposure of lymphocytes to an antigen
-takes several days to produce antibodies
-memory cells then produced to ‘remember’ antigen
-located in lymph nodes
Secondary Immune Response:
-when same antigen is encountered
-memory cells rapidly multiply to produce lymphocytes
-they produce antibodies
-faster and more effective: usually symptom free
-already has “recipe” for antibodies
Immune Disorders
-happens when immune system malfunctions
-Allergies: abnormal sensitivity to antigens in environment
-auto immune disorders: immune system turns against body’s own molecules
-immune deficiency diseases: when body lacks one or more components of immune system
-Develop in 2 stages
1. First exposure to allergen
2. Subsequent exposures to same allergen produce allergy symptoms
-allergen enters blood stream
-B cells make anti bodies
-antibodies attach to mast cell
-allergen binds to antibodies on mast cell
-histamine is released causing allergy symptoms
Autoimmune diseases
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Juvenile Diabetes
-Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
-organ needs to match host’s cells as close as possible
-take amino suppressants to help decrease possible rejection
-this weakens the immune system so the people cannot be exposed to any illnesses
Immunodeficiency Diseases
-faulty immune system
-Hodgkin Disease
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
-HIV attacks helper T cells (cells that activate B cells)
-Causes weak immune system so that the cause of death is usually a simple illness not HIV
· Look At UP 49-55 for additional info- good for studying
· Study!!!! Test Friday!
Next Scribe ***Will***