Monday, March 12, 2012

Scribe Post 3-12-12

Today in Class We:
~Watered and Measured Fast Plants
~Notes (Ch. 28: Flowering Plants)

Know Monocots vs. Dicots for Lab!!

*Memorize these characteristics below*

Roots: Root hairs-increase
surface area of root for
Large taproots - store food
such as starch for plant (Ex:
carrots, turnips, sugar beets,
sweet potatoes................................Monocot Root --->

<--- Dicot Root

Stems - Terminal bud is at apex of stem
when plant stem is growing in length.
Axillary buds, in angle formed by a leaf
(and stem) are dormant.
Terminal bud produces hormones
inhibiting growth of axillary buds = apical
dominance, so plant can grow up to sun.
Axillary buds begin growing and develop
into branches under certain conditions.
Types of Stems
Runner in a strawberry plant = horizontal
stem - new plants emerge from tip of
runner = asexual reproduction
Rhizome of an iris plant =horizontal
underground stems = store food, & can
bud new plants
Tubers are rhizomes ending in enlarged
structures (potatoes). Eyes of potato are
axillary buds, can grow when planted.
Leaves - flat blades (for light collection) and
petioles (joins leaf to stem.) Celery is a big
Tendrils = modified leaves for climbing
and support .
Spines of a cactus = modified leaf parts
protecting plant. Cactus stem is

2 Plant Vascular Tissues:
1. Xylem - contains water conducting cells -
move water & minerals up stem
2. Phloem -contains food conducting cells -
transport sugars from leaves or storage tissue
to other parts of plant
3 Tissue Systems continuous throughout
1. Dermal-covers, protects, waxy coating
2. Vascular- xylem and phloem; support,
3. Ground - bulk of young plant, fills spaces
between epidermis and vascular.
Photosynthesis, storage, support.
Types of ground tissue:
Cortex - in root,cells store food, take up
water & minerals.
Endodermis - selective barrier in cortexdetermines which substances pass between
cortex and vascular tissue.
Pith - fills center of stem in dicots, food



  1. Sorry guys, homework didn't post:
    Chapter 16 quiz - study!!!
    Wildland project
    Ch. 28 study guide due 3-19

  2. Charles, Very good scribe post overall. You effectively used text to convey definitions and examples. To aid the understanding of those key terms, it would be nice to have pictures paired with terms. For example, when discussing Xylem and Phloem you could show stems or root systems to convey your message visually as well.
    As I said Awesome scribe post,
    Siddharth Rajan

  3. Great post, it really helped me while I was reviewing the plants packet!
